Yoav's Questions

Yoav's Question: Is it just natural that football teams argue, or is it for a specific reason?

Answer: It might be because of a rivalry between clubs. Or it might just be natural. You never know until you ask the players! Also, it's not just teams. A few fans have been arrested for creating serious disorders. They were prosecuted under the Public Order Act of 1986. If you have any follow-up questions, feel free to ask!

Yoav's Question: What's 100x100x100x1000x1000x100,000x1 million x 1 trillion x 10 x 9 x 8 x 7 x 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 ÷ 1 gazillion + 1 quarter?

Answer: Am I a calculator? Anyway, it's 3.6288 × 1043 (the real answer is too long).

    Yoav's Question: What two teams hate each other the most?

   Answer: A quick Google search reveals it is Real Madrid V Barcelona, although Zac thinks it is Celtic V Rangers.

Yoav's Question: Is it soccer or football?

Answer:  That depends where you live. In the US and Canada it is named 'soccer', but in most other places it is named 'football'. But which is older, soccer or football? It turns out soccer is the older one, as 'soccer' was used in Britain until the 1800s.

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By Dan V.

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